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60 Amp Panel Replacement in Calgary

If your home is still supplied by a 60 amp Service from Enmax, or Fortis, it is a certainty that your panel needs to be upgraded to a minimum of 100 amps. Modern homes with multiple 240 volt appliances such as electric range, dryer, electric heating, air conditioning units, hot tubs, or E.V. charging systems can not reliably function on less than 100 amp service to the property.

60 amp panel replacement
close up of a 60 amp panel replacement fuse box

To upgade to 100 Amp, a complete overhaul of your electrical service will be necessary including upsizing all conduits, wiring, meter, and panel, from the point of Utility connection.

60 amp panel replacement
a person is working on an electrical panel

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We are fully licensed, insured, & registered with the City of Calgary as qualified electricians.

Certified & Licensed by Safety Codes Council

Alberta Master Electrician License

City of Calgary Business License

Canadian Electrical Code 2021 Trained